Friday, January 23, 2009

A dashboard to the world

If you loved watching the world go by from the confines of your verandah - then this site is for you. How much is fact and how much fiction, who knows and frankly it doesn't matter to me. What I find interesting is the take on 'here and now'—how it assumes a sense of urgency and immediacy. The forests being cut to the coffee cups being produced sounds alarming, though I am convinced this is just part of the story - the statistics is far more alarming. I can see an influence of Jonathan Harris' (far more rigorous) I Feel Fine project and Newsmap.
Visit Sprint's site for the swirling dashboard and the widget (if you wish).

Thursday, January 08, 2009

A dozen Do-Nots

The folks at R+K | The Brand Union have designed an alternate calendar on the theme of (yes, you guessed it) how not to design a calendar. Here are a few of my favourites from the recommended 12 ways. In no particular order of preference or chronology. As a matter of fact, in the effort to make the calendar throughly non-functional, designers have deliberately left out months and days on some pages. Though most come with dates. If you want a signed, numbered limited edition digital copy, email me - though there would be a little cost - for printing, p&p.

Monday, January 05, 2009

New Year, New Calendar

A new year. Time to change the calendar - not just the page...And as far as calendars go this one is one of the most innovative I have come across - in a longlong time. By UK based Mytton Williams Design Consultancy.

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