Friday, January 23, 2009

A dashboard to the world

If you loved watching the world go by from the confines of your verandah - then this site is for you. How much is fact and how much fiction, who knows and frankly it doesn't matter to me. What I find interesting is the take on 'here and now'—how it assumes a sense of urgency and immediacy. The forests being cut to the coffee cups being produced sounds alarming, though I am convinced this is just part of the story - the statistics is far more alarming. I can see an influence of Jonathan Harris' (far more rigorous) I Feel Fine project and Newsmap.
Visit Sprint's site for the swirling dashboard and the widget (if you wish).

1 comment:

Aditya said...

I saw this last week and spent a good half hour staring at all the little feeds. Its a bit like all those voyeuristic updates on facebook (and why so many people are addicted to it). But it seems completely normal to wade through this sea of information we come across everyday. We need the noise, the hubbub, to actually feel normal. To use a cliche, 'The silence is deafening'.

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