Sunday, November 12, 2006

Of Cabbages and Kings, my original and the longest surviving of blogs (a record month with a post almost every week) isn't exactly dead. As the name suggests - the subject area of the blog was rather wide - ranging from Type navigators to London Underground. Nothing wrong about that you may say, but it certainly lacks a certain focus - and thats what I intend to do in this blog.

A deep dive, without casting the net too wide - is the intention here. There will be the usual and occassional posting on the C&Kings blog - but again for topics that are wide off the margins and the columns.

Key question is if I can make a habit of transferring those random notes, thoughts and observations from my sketchbooks, my palm, my diary and (more importantly) from my head on to this public domain? Thoughts on Design, branding, design management and brand stickiness.

Let me give it a good earnest shot...

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